29 December 2010
22 July 2010
R.Y. Young. The New Woman - Wash Day. 1901.
Enough with the holiday themed postcard posts! I'm usually sick of the holidays by October anyways... Another great photograph. This card is just fun!
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
22 December 2010
Xmas Tree
I wasn't planning on getting a tree this year. When I lived in San Francisco, I had a great glitter pink tree, but I left it there for my sister. I had to get a tire fixed at Canadian Tire yesterday. While waiting, I browsed around Micheal's. There had these great 'icicle' trees on sale for $20 (regular $60). I bought the minty green one. I may go back and get the pink one!
16 December 2008
Maurice Sendak.
I love Maurice Sendak. Although I was a little disappointed with the Wild Things movie. It was good, just not as good as I thought it would be. I was also disappointed because I moved from San Francisco a month before there was a Maurice Sendak show at the Jewish Museum. I also like that this isn't a real postcard. Taina just cut the front off a Christmas card when she messed up the message inside. I've been known to do this myself.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
21 December 2010
New App
I know I'm a little late on the Hipstamatic app for the iPhone. I downloaded it tonight and I love it! Tonnes of fun.
20 December 2010
09 June 2009
Robert Doisneau. Picasso. 1952.
I always like seeing what artists actually look like. It's fascinating. Picasso always looks so cute. This card reminds me of my summer in Spain. I still remember visiting the Picasso museum.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
19 December 2010
16 December 2010
Etsy Front Page!
I made the front page tonight. Woohoo! Not sure what I think about having my face on the front page, though!
15 December 2010
11 January 2010
Tim Burton. Untitled. 1997.
Another great postcard for December. I love any card with a dog, even if it's a dog breed I'm not too fond of. This card is just too cute.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
14 December 2010
Moleskin cover
I'm thinking of things to make to expand my line on Etsy. I tried out this moleskin cover. I think I like it!
08 December 2010
13 June 2009
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. 1964.
This one is just strange and a perfect one for December. I love old movie posters.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
06 December 2010
Echino Love
I love this fabric. I'd love to own wallpaper with this design. Beautiful textured wallpaper.
01 December 2010
09 June 2009
E. McKnight Kauffer. Letter Mails by Air. 1937.
I love old graphics. This one is extra great because it's about mail!
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
29 November 2010
November was quite the month. I got through all of This American Life's episodes from 1999. If you remember, which I doubt you do, I'm trying to listen to every T.A.L. since its inception (1996). It's my This American Life Project. To get through one whole year in a month is quite incredible. It also means I have been doing a lot of sewing, since I really only listen to it when I am sewing.
28 November 2010
I decided to start making neckwarmers for the shop. The problem was photographing them. Luckily, my new friend Jessica was up for a photo shoot and she did a fantastic job. We have more shoots planned to do some much needed revamping of the shop!
New Echino
Well this isn't new echino anymore. I've just finally made something out of it. I have a huge backlog of fabric here that I really need to use. Then I can buy the real new echino, which I have been dying to do since it come out earlier this month.
I've been doing so much sewing this month I've almost gotten through 1999 of This American Life. Maybe it will be possible to catch up to present day.
I've been doing so much sewing this month I've almost gotten through 1999 of This American Life. Maybe it will be possible to catch up to present day.
24 November 2010
25 August 2008
David Lachapelle. Cher and her pretty pony. 1996.
How can this not be one of my favourites? It is just so weird. Cher, a pony, Brandy... if anyone gets this, please let me know. Of course, I also love Cher (secret...I've seen her in concert twice!), so even if it wasn't weird it would be one of my favourites.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
20 November 2010
01 June 2010
Henri Cartier-Bresson. Kampen, The Netherlands. 1956.
Another old photo, which I just love. This one in particular because it's from the Netherlands, where my dad was born. It reminds me of time I spent in Mexico because every morning the shop owners were washing the sidewalks in front of their store.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
17 November 2010
05 August 2008
Cindy Sherman. Untitled. 1979.
When I was in Grade 10 or 11, my sister, mom and I went to Chicago for a few days. We pretty much just checked out art museums and went to Forever Plaid. Well, that's all I can really remember. I particularly remember going to a smaller gallery where there was a Cindy Sherman exhibit. I had never heard of her before then, and since I have always really liked her work.
10 November 2010
22 June 2008
Salvador Dali. "But don't try to uncover my secret" 1954
My favourite part of this card it that it must have had a difficult journey as there is a part of the corner that somehow got ripped off.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
06 November 2010
New Stuff (Finally!)
I finally got my sewing space set up and was able to tackle some bags for the shop. I have loads Echino fabric that I can't wait to use. Stay tuned for lots more. You would not believe the amount of fabric I have here.
05 November 2010
21 November 2008
This postcard is just weird, which is why I like it. Who thinks of these things? I can't quite understand what is going on and why someone would create this and then sell it! I always try to imagine what goes on at the creative meetings at these companies when someone wants to make a card like this. Do they present this as an idea? and everyone agrees? I wonder what cards didn't make the cut.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
03 November 2010
22 July 2010
Joe Steinmetz Studio. Tupperware Home Party. 1958.
This card is another great photograph. I love the 1950s.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
27 October 2010
22 March 2009
Agnes Martin. Friendship. 1963.
I like this card because it's simple and yellow.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
I like this card because it's simple and yellow.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
24 October 2010
15 August 2008
Robert Doisineau. Young man on a tandem. 1953.
Received this card from Holland through Postcrossing. Another great black and white card. I wonder why this man is carrying a bicycle and riding a tandem by himself.
22 October 2010
09 July 2008
Stella Marrs.
Another crazy card from Melisa. Stella Marrs makes fantastic postcards. I like that they are usually black and white and red or black and white and turquoise.
20 October 2010
22 July 2010
Jules Bastien-Lepage. Joan of Arc. 1879.
Last July, I was in NYC visiting my sister. I spent one afternoon with Taina. We visited a lot of museums. While at the Met, Taina showed me this painting as it was her favourite one. It was quite incredible in real life. I like this card because it reminds me of a great afternoon I had with Taina. This was one of the first postcards I received when I moved across Ontario shortly after I got back from NYC.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
18 October 2010
18 July 2008
Jeff Wall. In Front of a Nightclub. 2006.
I never know who Jeff Wall was until I started getting his postcards from Taina. I just love his work. I can't really explain why though.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
13 October 2010
23 March 2009
Frances Benjamin Johnston. Stairway of the Treasurer's Residence: Students at Work. 1899-1900.
Another black and white photo that I love. I really like the subject matter of seeing everyone working on the staircase. I love how you can see them putting in all the detail. I also like this card because it has evidence of going through the postal system. There are some big scratches on it. I always like when you can tell the card experienced some wear and tear to make it to your place.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
12 October 2010
World's Smallest Postal Service
I don't think I ever told you about one of the coolest mail-related projects. It's the World's Smallest Postal Service. For a small fee, the wonderful Lea will write an extremely small letter to a friend for you. Wax seal included. It even comes with a magnifier! Of course, the first person to receive such a cool letter from me was Taina.
I was lucky enough to meet Lea at a party when I was living in the SF Bay Area. She is always doing really interesting art projects, so keep up with her site to find out what she's up to next. Her matchbox theatre is super cute.
10 October 2010
08 August 2010
John Derian postcard, NYC.
I love this card. I love writing desks. It also makes me think of the riddle: "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" which I can never remember the answer to, although I kinda remember that it doesn't have an answer. I have no idea.
09 October 2010
Date Unknown 2008?
Postcard from Melisa.
I received this postcard while living in California. It would have been more useful when I was living in Oklahoma! The place I was living in didn't have a basement. I was always worried about tornadoes. A big one went through the city I was living in a few years after I had left. Yikes! I was just as scared of earthquakes while in California. This is what happens when you grow up somewhere that doesn't have natural disasters.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
08 October 2010
I rarely make impractical purchases. Yes, I shop a lot, but I feel I buy things that are usually worth it in some sense. I bought a white coat. Impractical, yes. But I love it! There is something glamorous about white, especially white coats. I don't buy white often because it gets dirty so easily and I hate it when things look grungy. I still somewhat regret buying my Matt and Nat bag in navy blue, when I could have bought it in white. I told myself that white was way too impractical for a purse. Now I own a white, wool coat and I absolutely love it. It may be awhile before I buy something white again, so I will enjoy this for as long as I can. I sure hope it doesn't get dirty anytime soon!
06 October 2010
31 March 2008
Andreas Gursky. 99 Cent. 1999.
This was another that was put up on my fridge the day I got it and stayed there until I left that California apartment in August 2009. I just love all the different packages you can see and how they are all organized.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
01 October 2010
17 July 2008
Jeff Wall. A Sudden Gust of Wind. 1993.
Happy October! October is my favourite month. Jeff Wall cards are some of my favourite cards. I also thought this one was a perfect card for the first day of October. The wind in the card reminds me of Fall.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
29 September 2010
12 January 2009
Katharina Fritsch. Madonna. 1981-1989.
I don't know why I like this one so much. Maybe because it's yellow. Anything with the Virgin Mary reminds me of my French-Canadian Roman Catholic grandmother, who always had many Virgin Mary figurines in her apartment, but she never had a yellow one.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
24 September 2010
09 September 2009
I also had this small set of postcards and sent them all to Taina. I bought them because I thought they were so neat. This one is a NYC hotdog cart. They were a set of five and only with things in NYC. I wish that had some of San Francisco. Taina loved them anyways and got herself a set to send me when she found some. I put the hotdog cart up because I love hotdogs from a NYC hotdog cart! Don't tell anyone.
20 September 2010
21 August 2008
Herb Ritts. Richard Gere. 1979.
This card is just funny. I've never been a Richard Gere fan. When I think of Richard Gere, all I can think about is Pretty Woman. What other movies was he actually in? Oh I remember he filmed a movie in Winnipeg with Jennifer Lopez, but that's about it!
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
17 September 2010
March 2008
Postcard from Dana.
Dana was the penpal I mentioned at the start of this postcard posting project. In Grade 4, I had a subscription to OWL magazine. That magazine was fantastic. One of the issues mentioned they would match you up with a penpal. I sent my information in and was matched up with Dana, who lived in the Vancouver area. It's amazing how much you can have in common and continue to have in common with someone you just meet so randomly when you are so young. We've both moved around a bit in our educational careers and keep in touch by sending a postcard or a letter every once in awhile. When I moved to Thunder Bay this past July, the first piece of mail I received was from Dana!
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
15 September 2010
04 September 2008
Kurt Wirth. Metropolitan, Swissair. 1956.
I have a nostalgic fondness for anything airline related. My parents were both flight attendants during the heyday and post-heyday of air travel. These cards always remind me of my childhood and my parents.
14 September 2010
Marc Jacobs' Skirt and Miss Sixty's shoes
I like having a job where I can wear cute shoes and skirts again!
10 September 2010
Spring 2010
Annie Leibovitz. Photograph of David Byrne. 1986.
Postcard from Melisa.
I met Melisa in Grade 7, while we were both attending an all-girls Catholic school. I was lucky to leave in Grade 10, while Melisa became a "Super Sixer". We remained friends since then. After undergrad, I moved to Oklahoma, so that began some postcard sharing. We always send each other weird postcards and don't put much of a message on the back. Usually something short and/or silly.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
08 September 2010
02 December 2008
David Shrigley.
David Shrigley postcard collections have to be the strangest ones ever. Taina and I both have separate David Shrigley sets from Chronicle books. They are too funny and strange.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
05 September 2010
24 July 2010
Anne Taintor card.
I was so happy to get an Anne Taintor card from Taina. These were the postcards Alexis and I would always exchange, but I happened to misplace them. I'll check next time I am at my parents' house.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
03 September 2010
22 January 2009
Postcard from Alexis.
I met Alexis in undergrad. I think in our last two years. We had a lot of fun times in those years. She was my best antiquing partner. Whenever I'm back in Winnipeg, we try to go antiquing. We did some last Christmas break, which is when I found one of my favourite porcelain hounds. After undergrad, I moved to Oklahoma for grad school. Alexis gave me a set of Anne Taintor postcards from Chronicle Books. While in Oklahoma, I mailed her tonnes of these cards and I got a lot from her. I remember she liked to send Stella Mars cards. I can't remember where I placed all the postcards I received while in Oklahoma. They may be in Winnipeg... What I am saying is that Alexis probably was the one that got me started on sending postcards with that Anne Taintor set. Previous to that I had tonnes of stationery, but hadn't gotten quite into the postcard sets. Way to go, Alexis!
I'll actually be back in Winnipeg this weekend for Alexis' wedding! Congratulations!
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
01 September 2010
15 April 2009
Rachel Whiteread. Water Tower. 1998.
I'm not sure what I like so much about his postcard. I just do.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
30 August 2010
12 March 2008
Lucian Freud. Double Portraits. 1985-1986.
I love this card because of the dog in it. I really miss having a dog. Tell me about your favourite dog.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
27 August 2010
15 July 2008
Vintage postcard.
I received this one from Finland through Postcrossing. I love that it's a vintage card and of a dog! If you don't know what postcrossing is yet, check it out! I just love it. I recently started again after about a two year hiatus. It's so much fun.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
25 August 2010
23 August 2008
Yoshitomo Nara. dogs from childhood. 1999.
Taina and I had both bought the Yoshitomo Nara postcard book from Chronicle. I never minded when we bought the same postcards. I buy them because I like them, so it's always nice to get one back because I've had to send it away! I loved this Nara card because I just love her dog sculptures. Any postcard with a dog or animal gets on my favourite list automatically.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
Taina and I had both bought the Yoshitomo Nara postcard book from Chronicle. I never minded when we bought the same postcards. I buy them because I like them, so it's always nice to get one back because I've had to send it away! I loved this Nara card because I just love her dog sculptures. Any postcard with a dog or animal gets on my favourite list automatically.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
23 August 2010
22 July 2010
Vintage reproduction shadow card from 1890s.
This just might be one of my favourite cards ever. I can't believe it got here in one piece. One of the fingers was a little bent, but that's it. I don't know who wouldn't want a shadow card in their mailbox. I'm going to have to practice my shadow puppets now!
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
22 August 2010
09 August 2010
Postcard from John Derian, NYC.
There is a serious lack of vegetable postcards. I love this card. I know I have sent Taina a postcard of dancing carrots. I don't believe we have exchanged any other vegetables. I also love this card because she got this card at John Derian. Blaire made reference to this store last season.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.
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