29 September 2010

12 January 2009

Katharina Fritsch. Madonna. 1981-1989.

I don't know why I like this one so much. Maybe because it's yellow. Anything with the Virgin Mary reminds me of my French-Canadian Roman Catholic grandmother, who always had many Virgin Mary figurines in her apartment, but she never had a yellow one.

See original blog post about my postcard posting project.

24 September 2010

09 September 2009

I also had this small set of postcards and sent them all to Taina. I bought them because I thought they were so neat. This one is a NYC hotdog cart. They were a set of five and only with things in NYC. I wish that had some of San Francisco. Taina loved them anyways and got herself a set to send me when she found some. I put the hotdog cart up because I love hotdogs from a NYC hotdog cart! Don't tell anyone.

20 September 2010

21 August 2008

Herb Ritts. Richard Gere. 1979.

This card is just funny. I've never been a Richard Gere fan. When I think of Richard Gere, all I can think about is Pretty Woman. What other movies was he actually in? Oh I remember he filmed a movie in Winnipeg with Jennifer Lopez, but that's about it!

See original blog post about my postcard posting project.

17 September 2010

March 2008

Postcard from Dana.

Dana was the penpal I mentioned at the start of this postcard posting project. In Grade 4, I had a subscription to OWL magazine. That magazine was fantastic. One of the issues mentioned they would match you up with a penpal. I sent my information in and was matched up with Dana, who lived in the Vancouver area. It's amazing how much you can have in common and continue to have in common with someone you just meet so randomly when you are so young. We've both moved around a bit in our educational careers and keep in touch by sending a postcard or a letter every once in awhile. When I moved to Thunder Bay this past July, the first piece of mail I received was from Dana!

See original blog post about my postcard posting project.

15 September 2010

04 September 2008

Kurt Wirth. Metropolitan, Swissair. 1956.

I have a nostalgic fondness for anything airline related. My parents were both flight attendants during the heyday and post-heyday of air travel. These cards always remind me of my childhood and my parents.

14 September 2010

Marc Jacobs' Skirt and Miss Sixty's shoes

I like having a job where I can wear cute shoes and skirts again!

10 September 2010

Spring 2010

Annie Leibovitz. Photograph of David Byrne. 1986.

Postcard from Melisa.

I met Melisa in Grade 7, while we were both attending an all-girls Catholic school. I was lucky to leave in Grade 10, while Melisa became a "Super Sixer". We remained friends since then. After undergrad, I moved to Oklahoma, so that began some postcard sharing. We always send each other weird postcards and don't put much of a message on the back. Usually something short and/or silly.

See original blog post about my postcard posting project.

08 September 2010

02 December 2008

David Shrigley.

David Shrigley postcard collections have to be the strangest ones ever. Taina and I both have separate David Shrigley sets from Chronicle books. They are too funny and strange.

See original blog post about my postcard posting project.

05 September 2010

24 July 2010

Anne Taintor card.

I was so happy to get an Anne Taintor card from Taina. These were the postcards Alexis and I would always exchange, but I happened to misplace them. I'll check next time I am at my parents' house.
See original blog post about my postcard posting project.

03 September 2010

22 January 2009

Postcard from Alexis.

I met Alexis in undergrad. I think in our last two years. We had a lot of fun times in those years. She was my best antiquing partner. Whenever I'm back in Winnipeg, we try to go antiquing. We did some last Christmas break, which is when I found one of my favourite porcelain hounds. After undergrad, I moved to Oklahoma for grad school. Alexis gave me a set of Anne Taintor postcards from Chronicle Books. While in Oklahoma, I mailed her tonnes of these cards and I got a lot from her. I remember she liked to send Stella Mars cards. I can't remember where I placed all the postcards I received while in Oklahoma. They may be in Winnipeg... What I am saying is that Alexis probably was the one that got me started on sending postcards with that Anne Taintor set. Previous to that I had tonnes of stationery, but hadn't gotten quite into the postcard sets. Way to go, Alexis!
I'll actually be back in Winnipeg this weekend for Alexis' wedding! Congratulations!

See original blog post about my postcard posting project.

01 September 2010

15 April 2009

Rachel Whiteread. Water Tower. 1998.

I'm not sure what I like so much about his postcard. I just do. 

See original blog post about my postcard posting project.